A mind-boggling statistic— data, the sum total of all human knowledge is now doubling every 12 months and, some predict, will soon be doubling every 12 hours. Where once the growth of our knowledge of the world and the known universe was linear, it is now exponential. And yet, on a societal level it can seem, at times, that our ability to function harmoniously and effectively as a species is regressing, not progressing. The challenge — how do we, as humans, leverage this phenomenal growth in data, for the common good and for the preservation of so much that is worthy of passing on to future generations? It could go either way — we can allow ourselves to be drowned by this tsunami of our own making or we can harness its inherent power to transform this planet into the paradise it has the potential to become. Devoid of vision, this knowledge can become a destructive force — infused with vision and purpose, renewal and transformation are virtually givens.